DDB Brasil | Case Studies | Guaraná Antarctica Ex-Lover Blocker

Guaraná Antarctica Ex-Lover Blocker

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

Guarana Antartica is a soft drink originally from Brazil. Its flavor radiates an energy that makes you want to share with friends. On average, Brazilians have the most friends on social networks in the whole world. They also spend the most hours per week connected to these networks. Potentializing this market, the brand developed a mobile application that can use the network of each Brazilian Facebook user to propagate brand messages. Such communication channel enabled our brand to be seen by millions of people, spending only with the application development.

Creative Execution
We developed a mobile application called ‘Guarana Antarctica Ex-Lover Blocker’. With it, anyone can avoid the danger of going back to their ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. After the application is downloaded, the user registers the ex’s phone number. Every time the user tries to call the ex, a sequence of messages will try to stop the call. If the user still insists, a post will be published in his/her Facebook wall, and all his/her friends will know that this person has tried to call the ex-lover. The application is available on the brand’s Facebook Fan Page, the largest in Brazil, with over 5 million fans.

Results and Effectiveness
With zero marketing cost, we have reached a potential target of over 5 million brand fans on Facebook multiplied by the number of friends each fan has.


Ex-Lover Blocker: the application that blocks the ex.
Antarctica Guarana is the soda for friends.
And friends’ worst enemy is the ex.
That’s why Guarana came up with an application that helps friends look out for friends.

How does it work?
1-Friends convince their broken hearted friend to install the app
2-He blocks his ex’s number
3-Selects his closest friends to keep an eye on him
4-If he tries to call his ex, the app doesn’t let him call and send an alert to his friends
5-That’s the right time to call and save him
6-If he declines and call his ex anyway, everyone on his Facebook will know how weak he is
7-If he answers and doesn’t call his ex. Mission accomplished.

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