DDB Brasil | Case Studies | Itaú Unlimited Ad

Itaú Unlimited Ad


Insights, Strategy and the Idea
Our challenge was to market iConta, a fully unlimited, free, digital account to a group of young adults, heavy users of all digital platforms, but mostly not bank customers. iConta Itau is a current account with a service package offering unlimited transactions and to be used exclusively through the Itau 30 Horas electronic channels (internet, ATM, and phone), free from monthly charges.And how could we do that? By publishing an also unlimited ad in a digital platform. Using the iPad version of Veja magazine, we created an ad that represented iConta’s main attributes.

Creative Execution
We created a practically unlimited ad with 204 pages! If a user browsed through all those pages, the system made a loop and went back to the first page. It was possible to leave from any page and return to the magazine or visit the iConta site directly. And how could the media allow for an unlimited ad? Better yet, what would be the cost of a never-ending ad? We also achieved an almost unlimited profitability, as we published ‘countless’ pages by purchasing only 1 page, conveying the product’s attributes in the platform in a highly unique, previously unseen way. In numbers… The cost of 1 page on Veja’s digital version is R$ 40,000.00. The cost of publishing 204 pages would be R$ 8,160,000.00; not considering the loop, which would push the ad’s value to infinity.


Idea = R$ 40,000.00.

Results and Effectiveness
This action, in association with other digital activations in video, generated 4.2 million views of the campaign videos on Itau’s brand channel on YouTube and 138 thousand tweets and Brazil trending topics, and the 2nd place among worldwide trending topics. In terms of business, we were able to create interest in the account. The campaign generated 37 thousand leads for the ‘open you iConta here’ button.

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